How can you use sound to activate your inner healer? How does sound bring your body, mind, and soul into harmony? No matter what your background, you’ll be amazed by the depth and insights offered in this enjoyable workshop. It’s designed for anyone who wants to experience the power of breath, voice, singing bowls, tuning forks, percussion, and other instruments. You’ll start with some easy exercises to relax and release blockages. In addition to learning how to use these techniques for yourself, you’ll do partner and group work with them – including brief Sound Baths.
Sound therapist Christine M. Grimm introduces various sound healing approaches through the 7 Rs of Healing: Reason, Relaxation, Release, Regenerate, Rest & Reflect, Routines & Rituals, and (W)rite. She has developed her Vibratuning method of sound and voice therapy over the past 20 years. This method has helped many people in Europe and the USA achieve greater harmony, as well as healing in their lives.
She also offers Sound Baths at the Be: Life Centre. This workshop is preceded by a Friday evening Sound Bath so you can enjoy the passive experience before the active afternoon of learning.