noun - na·tu·rop·a·thy
A holistic system viewing a person as a whole by treating ailments using natural methods such as supporting diet, exercise, lifestyle and treatments such as herbal medicine and homeopathy.
“Let food be thy Medicine, and Medicine be thy food”
“First use food, then herbs, finally intervention.”
Greek Physician known as the Father of Medicine
“Natur-opathy,” (Disorder of Nature)
Naturopathy goes back thousands of years, depending on the healing wisdom of many cultures, including Indian (Ayurveda), Chinese (Taoist), Greek (Corpus Hippocraticum), Arabic, and European Egyptians (Monastic). In these early civilizations people lived in a harmonious relationship with their surroundings and their understanding of disease was accomplished by observing nature and how it interconnected with human life. What these traditional forms of medicine have in common is the understanding that the body has an innate ability to heal.
The philosophies of “vitalism” and “holism” are core principles to Naturopathic practice. Its focus is to reunite Man/Woman with Nature’s Laws. ‘Vitalism’ meaning life is governed by forces beyond the physical self (Vital Force’). Life, health and disease follow certain laws and principles that are logical. In order to achieve well-being, you must treat all aspects of an individual by focusing on their lifestyle and environment. This is referred to as holism. Each person is unique and treatment has to be tailored to individual needs, irrespective of the condition.
An underlying ‘common denominator’ lies beneath states of sickness. For example, acid / alkaline balance. When toxic wastes are not eliminated efficiently, the body suffers a toxic overload that disturbs the terrain and imbalances homeostasis therapeutic emphasis on detoxification.
Naturopathy is the Art of restoring order within the body through Natural Healing. The body is constantly trying to achieve homeostasis and stay in alignment with nature. We, as humans, are manifestations of what we eat, drink, breathe and think, therefore naturopathy must be adopted as a way of life.
Dr. JOHN HARVEY KELLOGG maintained that 90% of diseases were due to improper functioning of the bowel.
ARISTOTLE believed that a “soul” animated and directed the body and that it contributed to one’s state of health.
Naturopathy focuses on 5 Fundamentals of Cure. Research and eliminate harmful habits, detoxification, revitalisation, stabilisation, regeneration. In my naturopathic practice I use ancient traditional theories encompassing various techniques. I use elements of TCM and iridology for diagnosis, whilst using natural remedies and therapies to treat:
Emotional: Bach Flower Remedies and Homoeopathy.
Biochemical: Nutrition, Herbal Medicine, Tissue salts, Homoeopathy.
Tissue Salts
The human body contains 12 essential minerals (tissue salts). Parts of the body are made of different minerals and different ratios. The balance needs to be maintained in order to ensure normal cell function and maintenance of good health. They ‘support and rebuild’ the physical structure of the human body. Tissue salts are the ‘vitamins & minerals’ of homeopathy.
Bach Flowers
Bach flowers are a gentle, effective and non-invasive approach to healing by focusing on the emotional symptoms of a person. Illness can be the body’s way of expressing mental disharmony. Treatment is followed by aligning specific plants of similar energy to the individual. Recovery is first emotionally resonating on a soul level, then physically. There are 38 remedies and their applications: 12 Healers, 7 Helpers, Second 19.
Basic Natural Therapeutics to Adopt
Sleep. Proper sleep hygiene is important for a multitude of reasons. It is when our cells recover and and the systems within our body ensure their purpose. Melatonin, a hormone and important antioxidant begins to be released around 9pm or just after dusk. Ideally sleep from 10pm to 6am. Most physical recovery from the day occurs between 10pm and 2am, while mental recovery is enhanced from 2am to 6am.
Correct Breathing. Fresh air is vital for our health. Deep diaphragmatic breathing helps us stay in parasympathetic mode and has many positive effects on the body.
Movement. Circulation is needed for all organs to function correctly. Exercise incorporating the whole body such as walks through nature, swimming and stretching are great ways to start.
Diet. Eating a diet abundant in vegetables, fruit, pulses and whole foods.
Recuperation & adequate rest during or after illness. With our busy lifestyles, we often don’t give our bodies enough time to heal and recuperate.
Exposure to sunshine. (Vitamin D, light & Melatonin synthesis) To maximise absorption, expose the inside of legs and underside of arms for up to 15 minutes of midday sun each day, making sure to not allow the skin to turn pink or red.
Earthing, otherwise know as Grounding. Walk barefoot on the ground for 20 minutes every evening or walk on dew in the mornings as moisture increases conductivity. It helps to reduce Electro-Magnetic Stress build-up by taking up negative ions from the earth.
Dressing wisely by wearing clothes that breathe. For example: wool, cotton, linen, silk.
“Water is good, air is better, but light is best of all”
Swiss Natural Healer known as the father of sunlight & air cures
Naturopathic Nutritional Therapy and Bach Flower Therapy is covered by ‘zusatzversicherung.’