Nutritional Therapy

noun - Nu·tri·tion

‘The process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.’

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Do you feel that you are at optimal health? Often we are so imbedded in our daily routines, that we forget to listen to our bodies. Our body’s way of telling us something is wrong is to present ailments that can be any of the following common symptoms:

  • Bloating, stomach cramps, feeling uncomfortable after meals, constipation, diarrhoea

  • Acne, hives, rashes, skin irritations

  • Missing menstrual cycles, severe PMS

  • Joint pain, muscle cramps, muscle pain, back aches

  • Recurring coughs, sneezing, itchy throat

  • Feeling faint, dizzy, constantly tired, headaches, night-time waking or problems falling asleep



As a Naturopathic Nutritionist I follow the Naturopathic Principles while treating each person as an individual, requiring their own personalised nutritional approach to health. I support my client on their journey to health by:

  • Understanding and finding the root cause of an individual’s symptoms

  • Detoxification & cleansing the system

  • Repair, rebuild and rebalance the system

  • Using whole & organic foods as medicine

  • Using herbs, homeopathy, tissue salts and nutritional supplements as support medicine

  • Using Bach Flowers as emotional support remedies

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What is digestion?

It is the breakdown and absorption of nutrients and the formation of wastes. The digestive system starts in the mouth, follows to the stomach, the small intestine and the large intestine. It includes the gallbladder, the pancreas and the liver. It is the most important system in the body for Naturopathic Nutrition. If the digestive system is not functioning correctly, nutrients will not be absorbed.

What are Phytonutrients?

Phytochemicals are chemical compounds produced by plants which are beneficial to human health. Various plants and their properties not only nourish us, but they help to prevent disease with their highly therapeutic properties. There are over 25,000 different phytonutrients. We need phytonutrients in order to survive.

Private sessions of Nutritional Therapy are covered by alternative insurance (‘zusatzversicherung.’)



First Contact

Get in touch with us to address your concerns. Once we have a clear idea of what you would like to achieve, we can set up an initial private consultation or book you into one of our unique classes.


Initial Private Consultation

During your initial consultation your practitioner will ask you a few questions and write up your case history which will give them an in depth overview or which therapies might best suit you.


Treatment Plan

After your consultation, your practitioner will put together a 4-6 week plan for you to follow. Depending on your goals, you will have a follow up session to monitor your progress. Once you become part of the Be: Family, you are given on going support and advice.

“All disease begins in the gut”


  • Nutrient: A substance which provides nourishment essential for growth and maintenance of life

  • Nourishment: The food or other substances necessary for growth, health, and wellbeing

  • Food: A nutritious substance that people or animals eat / drink or that plants absorb in order to maintain life and growth.

  • Whole Food: Food that has not been processed / refined and is free from additives or other artificial substances.

  • Organic Food: Food free of fertilisers, pesticides, irradiation, GMOs, growth hormones and livestock feed additives.